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Buying commercial cleaning products from mass retailers? Pouring money down the drain.

It is surprising how many businesses are relying on purchasing commerical cleaning products from warehouse clubs, big box retailers, office paper suppliers, and online retailers.   In fact, these big companies are actively marketing cleaning products to businesses.


Problems?  Don’t ask:  Remember, If you experience a cleaning challenge or just want to find out how to do the job better, the mass retailers won’t be of much help!

What are the big retailers selling? The big retailers love to sell pre-diluted, ready to use (RTU) products to businesses. Further, they like to sell familiar brand names the purchaser may use at home and most likely has been exposed to brand advertising. These retailers also are quite content to sell concentrated products for floor cleaning that they know the user will NOT measure, but rather free pour into mop buckets, and scrubbers.

What is the purchaser REALLY buying?

  • Single Use Packaging: Use it once and toss it. Costly, YES! Also think of the environmental impact of tossing all those bottles!
  • Transportation Costs: Getting all that water from the factory to the retailer’s distribution centers costs money! Don’t forget about the use of fossil fuels needed to transport.
  • Advertising: Television and consumer print advertising to convince you their product works like no other.
  • Not Much Chemical:  RTU products typically contain chemical ingredients at levels well below 1%.


An opportunity to Save 80% or more:   Savings can be staggering by simply showing the customer how to use concentrates and their own water to make effective cleaning products.


More examples of how replacing RTU Cleaners with concentrates saves big money.


Estimated Retail Cost per quart (32 oz)


Cost per diluted quart (32 oz)


Glass and Mirrors


#2 Multi-Shine



Bathroom, tub & tile


#4 Foamy MAC



Disinfectant Cleaner


#256 Century Q



Floor Cleaner


#70 Tough Green



Kitchen Cleaner $3.99 #007HD $0.62 96%

But, do they work as well?    Concentrates, when diluted as directed are well proven, commercial grade products.

Floors: Stop the Glug-Glugging! While human nature suggests more is better, that isn’t true. When someone free pours a cleaner into a mop bucket, you can certainly bet they are using 2-5 times more than what is needed to get the job done. So are the results better? Absolutely NOT, the floor might be streaky, dull, or sticky.  Best results are achieved using the right product at the right dilution!

gluging mop bucket2

Free Pouring is wasteful and can often produce poor results.

A chance to be much greener:  Consider the environmental impact of purchasing Ready to Use products sold in single use packages. Where do all those empty bottles go?  What about all that wasteful glug-glugging of concentrates.  Now think about using a concentrate to make cleaning solutions where the product is properly diluted every time.


How do you start saving money?  Multi-Clean makes a patented line of dilution dispensing equipment and products that mixes the right amount of concentrate with water to produce a complete line of cleaning products for floors, walls, bathrooms, and much more.  Third party green certifications give you the added value of reducing environmental impact.


Learn More by visiting our Multi-Task Dilution Control Webpage

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