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Norovirus Outbreaks – Schools

Norovirus is a highly contagious virus that causes the stomach and intestines to become inflamed. This leads to vomiting and diarrhea. Norovirus is often referred to as the stomach flu or food poisoning. Norovirus is spread by contaminated food and surfaces, and is especially contagio

2015-2016 Flu Season

Getting the flu vaccine is the best way to protect yourself from the influenza virus. Health officials recommend that a person receive the annual flu vaccine to become protected from the latest flu strain; an antigenic drift or a small change in the influenza virus can occur every yea

C. Diff. Infection Control

C. Diff. (Clostridium Difficile) is a bacterium that causes inflammation of the colon. People can become infected if they touch a surface contaminated with feces. The bacteria can also be spread through the hands of healthcare workers. Symptoms of infection include diarrhea, fever, na

Hand Washing and Flu Season

Do you have proper hand washing techniques? Keeping hands clean is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of germs, bacteria and to protect yourself from becoming infected with the flu. A study conducted by Michigan State University indicated that about 5 percent of people properl

What is quat binding in disinfectants?

Quaternary ammonium chloride, or quat, is an active ingredient found in many disinfectants. When disinfectants are used at the correct dilution, quats are effective against bacteria and viruses. However, if quat binding occurs, quats can become very ineffective. Quat binding is when t
healthcare hallway

Infection Control – Create an Infection Control Program

With the start of cold and flu season quickly approaching, infection control should be a top priority in many facilities, particularly health care facilities. Last year the Ebola virus was the focus of many concerns, but C. Diff., MRSA, swine flu, bird flu, and the traditional Influen

Preparation for the Upcoming Flu Season

The flu season is just around the corner and here are a few things that can be done to prepare for it. To reduce one’s chances of becoming sick, one should: Wash hands with soap and scrub for 15-30 seconds. Always dry hands immediately – bacteria can be transferred more easily with da

Process Cleaning and Restrooms

One obstacle or concern that many cleaning professionals face is developing cleaning methods and making these methods as efficient as possible. A newer methodology that is replacing more traditional methods is process cleaning. Process cleaning, including programs such as Process Clea

Importance of Hand Hygiene

Hand hygiene is important when it comes to infection control because they are virtually used throughout the entire day. Hands can carry and transmit bacteria and pathogens to and from everyday objects and if they are not properly cleaned, contaminated hands run a risk of harming and i

Cleaning in Schools: Cleaning for Health

With a new school year coming up, it is important to understand the pitfalls of cleaning processes in educational facilities, so we can help overcome these challenges. Nearly 60 million school days are lost each year due to cold and flu, according to the CDC. Much of this can be preve