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Preventing Foodborne Illness

  Foodborne illness, or food poisoning, is an illness caused by food contaminated with microbes such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Food contamination can develop from, to name a few, unpasteurized foods, contaminated surfaces and workplace environment, and improper food ha

Workplace Sickness and Absences

Workplace sickness and absences can be challenging if you have to interact with sick workers throughout the day. According to a Cintas Corp. survey, 81% of Americans found that the act of wiping a runny nose on one’s hands or sleeve is the grossest workplace habit. The top five gross

How do you measure clean?

A clean looking surface doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s actually “clean”. The only way to know that a surface is truly “clean” is to test it. An adenosine triphosphate (ATP) monitoring kit is a powerful tool that can eliminate the guesswork. ATP is found in all living organisms. If

Triclosan – About

What is Triclosan? Triclosan is an antimicrobial agent that has been used in consumer products since the 1990s. In addition to being used in hand soaps, toothpaste, mouthwash, and cleaning products, it can also be found in socks, kitchen utensils, trash bags, bath towels, and bed shee
healthcare hallway

HAI’s – Infection Control

HAI stands for Healthcare Acquired Infection. This means that a patient enters a hospital for treatment and contracts an unrelated illness. HAI’s are spread through infected patients, infected surfaces, or through the hands of healthcare workers. Healthcare acquired infections are the

What is Hepatitis A?

Hepatitis A is the inflammation of the liver, which can be caused by alcohol and drug use, bacteria, or toxins. This is a contagious virus that also causes acute liver infection. This virus is also considered the least severe virus in the Hepatitis family and most people who acquire t

Norovirus – GII.17 Kawasaki

Norovirus causes food-related illnesses and is not to be mistaken as a respiratory illness because it does not spread through breathing or coughing. Norovirus spreads through contaminated food and surfaces. The norovirus strain, called GII.17 Kawasaki, began to show up in the United S

Cleaning tips to keep people healthy during cold and flu season

One of the highest profile examples of how sanitation impacts business is the recent outrbreak of e-coli and norovirus illnesses at a major restaurant chain. The public company, valued at more than $20 billion, lost over a third of its value since the outbreaks were publicized. As cle

Rotavirus – About

Rotavirus (gastroenteritis) is a non-enveloped virus that causes severe diarrhea and is common among infants and young children. In some cases, severe dehydration can occur in young children and would require hospitalization due to large amount of water loss. There is also a chance of

Tips on using disinfectants

For areas where disinfectants are regularly used, such as in food service industries or hospitals, proper disinfectant choice is imperative. How disinfectants are used is also important. Below are some helpful tips to using disinfectants. Understand product instructions and applicatio