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Kleen Sweep Series by Minuteman International – Your Answer for Quick Dust-Controlled Sweeping

The Kleen Sweep Series is your answer for quick dust-controlled sweeping. Whether the job is indoor or outdoor, large or small, one of the Kleen Sweep machines is right for the application. General Overview Designed for heavy duty commercial use Extremely maneuverable 18 inch adjustab

Defining the Culture of Clean, What Culture exists in Your Organization?

The Culture of Clean is defined as the perception that building owners/managers/administrators create amongst staff on the value of cleaning and its relative importance. Like the political spectrum, the culture of clean within any facility ranges from proactive on one end to reactive

Choosing the Right Floor Cleaners and Chemicals by Multi-Clean, Inc.

Multi-Clean, Inc. is a manufacturer with a 72 year history of producing high performance cleaning and floor maintenance products for the commercial cleaning industry. We believe that the best way to maximize value to the users of Multi-Clean brand products is efficient delivery throug

When a green Product NOT a green product

Some cleaning products that claim to be green are not really very green at all. We take a look at some pseudo-green products.  When you examine the big picture, a product that appears green on the surface may not be so green after all. Ready to Use Products (RTU) contain mostly water.

Specialty Cleaning Chemicals and Facility Maintenance Supplies at Multi-Clean, Inc.

Stay Healthy During Flu Season With the start of the school year, the threat of a swine flu pandemic and the onset of flu season, staying healthy this year may prove difficult. According to the Center for Disease Control, every year in the United States, on average: 5% to 20% of the p

Janitorial Supplies, Commercial Cleaning Supplies and Green Cleaning Products at Multi-Clean, Inc.

Five Critical Elements of Better Infection Control for Your Cleaning Department Whether facing a localized outbreak of MRSA, a regional outbreak of viral meningitis or a global outbreak of pandemic influenza, cleaners can play an important front-line role in containing the spread. But

Is Diversey sucking the air out of bubble wrap manufacturer Sealed Air Corp?

Today (Sept. 5, 2012), I read an interesting article about Sealed Air Corporation (stock ticker:  SEE) and how the acquisition of cleaning products manufacturer DIVERSEY last year is making the company a possible acquisition target.  The article questions the value of the Diversey acq

Floor Scrubbers Burnishers Vacuums Finish Applicators at Multi-Clean, Inc.

Hard Floor Care At Multi-Clean, Inc., we are always looking for new and innovative ways to help our clients keep their work places clean and safe. Floor care can be a large part of that effort for an office or work area. We carry a wide selection of floor care equipment. Definitions A

The Equation of Clean by Multi-Clean

In the Beginning Long ago, someone figured out that when it came to cleaning, old fashioned elbow grease by itself didn’t get it done very effectively.  Then came the magic of chemical surfactants that when used in tiny amounts in water, created a powerful cleaning solution.  Th

Hand Sanitizer Beneficial Inside the Restroom-Multi-Clean Sani-Foam Non-Alcohol Hand Sanitizer

The use of hand sanitizer, while popular, saw an increase three years ago, when the country experienced the 2009 H1N1 flu scare. Thankfully, the flu was not as deadly or widespread as feared, but the episode did underscore the need for greater public hand hygiene. With a heightened aw