May is Asthma Awareness Month – School IAQ and Childhood Asthma
The month of May is Asthma Awareness Month. In this newsletter we focus on childhood asthma and what schools can do to improve Indoor Air Quality (IAQ). There are many indoor pollutants that can be triggers for asthmatic episodes. By addressing IAQ, schools can reduce the amount of environmental asthma triggers and create a healthier indoor environment.
Facts and Figures about Childhood Asthma
- 1 in 10 School Age Children has Asthma, a leading cause of school absenteeism
- 13 million school days missed annually due to asthma
- Asthma can be controlled with medical treatment and management of environmental triggers
What Schools can do: Start by reading the background educational document “Managing Asthma in the School Environment”. Next use the EPA’s IAQ Checklist for School Officials to identify areas within the facilities where IAQ can be improved. Finally, visit the Tools for Schools website to access a host of resources available to schools to help manage and improve indoor air quality.
Managing Asthma in the School Environment Excellent primer on the benefits of managing environmental asthma triggers and improving indoor air quality.
EPA IAQ Checklist for Schools Officials Great for school administration to get started with an IAQ program.
IAQ Tools for Schools website: Resources to start and implement an IAQ program.
There is a strong connection between improving Indoor Air Quality and implementing a green cleaning program. Multi-Clean offers a broad line of third party certified green products and has a number of resources to help implement green cleaning. Visit our Green Resources webpage to learn more.