H1N1 Flu Infection & Disease
There are three main Swine Influenza viruses currently of concern to humans: H1N1, H3N2, and H1N2. These three viruses are a Type A Influenza virus that cause respiratory disease in pigs. The symptoms of infected pigs include fever, depression, discharge from the nose or eyes, breathing difficulties, and eye redness.
Once the strain spreads to humans, the virus name is denoted by the variant letter “v”, for example, H1N1v. One of the ways a human can contact H1N1v is by being around infected pigs. Once a human contracts the virus, it can be spread like human Influenza. There have been documented cases of humans contracting H1N1v from swine and person-to-person transmission.
The Influenza vaccine for humans may not protect people who become infected with Influenza A H1N1v. This is because pigs can also contract other viruses from different species at the same time while being infected with the Swine Influenza. When this happens, an antigenic shift occurs, resulting in a new Influenza A virus, in which the human seasonal flu vaccine is not effective against.
For a listing of Multi-Clean liquid disinfectants or disinfecting wipes that are effective on Influenza and Swine Flu, please visit Multi-Clean’s Infection Control webpage.
For more information about Influenza, check out the CDC webpage.