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Develop an Infection Control Program

With the start of cold and flu season quickly approaching, infection control should be a top priority in many facilities, particularly health care facilities. Recently the Ebola virus has been the focus of many concerns, but C. Diff., MRSA, swine flu, bird flu, and the traditional Inf

Cleaning for Health: Cleaning Schools

With a new school year beginning, it is important to understand the pitfalls of cleaning processes in educational facilities, so we can help overcome these challenges. Nearly 60 million school days are lost each year due to cold and flu, according to the CDC. Much of this can be preve

Disinfecting and Infection Control – Personal Items

Disinfecting and infection control is important in any facility, however, is critically important in hospitals and healthcare settings. Doctors and healthcare workers can treat multiple patients at a time. Since these facilities often contain people with weakened immune systems, prope

Dilution Control Matters

Dilution control systems can provide many benefits to the end user. It can increase safety, productivity, and decrease costs and chemical waste. Two scenarios can occur with manual dilution techniques. The first scenario is over-dilution. For example, over-diluted disinfectants may no

Foodborne Illness

Foodborne illness, or food poisoning, causes 48 million illnesses annually and can be attributed from eating contaminated food. The common viruses and bacteria that cause foodborne illness include E. Coli, Salmonella, Norovirus, Campylobacter, Listeria, and Clostridium Perfringens. Mo

How can disinfectants become ineffective?

Quaternary ammonium chloride, or quat, is an active ingredient found in many disinfectants. When disinfectants are used at the correct dilution, quats are effective against bacteria and viruses. However, if quat binding occurs, quats can become very ineffective. Quat binding is when t

Preventing Foodborne Illness

  Foodborne illness, or food poisoning, is an illness caused by food contaminated with microbes such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Food contamination can develop from, to name a few, unpasteurized foods, contaminated surfaces and workplace environment, and improper food ha

Workplace Sickness and Absences

Workplace sickness and absences can be challenging if you have to interact with sick workers throughout the day. According to a Cintas Corp. survey, 81% of Americans found that the act of wiping a runny nose on one’s hands or sleeve is the grossest workplace habit. The top five gross

How do you measure clean?

A clean looking surface doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s actually “clean”. The only way to know that a surface is truly “clean” is to test it. An adenosine triphosphate (ATP) monitoring kit is a powerful tool that can eliminate the guesswork. ATP is found in all living organisms. If

Triclosan – About

What is Triclosan? Triclosan is an antimicrobial agent that has been used in consumer products since the 1990s. In addition to being used in hand soaps, toothpaste, mouthwash, and cleaning products, it can also be found in socks, kitchen utensils, trash bags, bath towels, and bed shee