A Carpet Care Challenge at a 4 STAR Hotel
One secret to increased sales is to solve customer problems and/or provide solutions that saves them money. This short success story does both.

4-Star Hotel, white carpet and upholstery creates cleaning headaches and an opportunity for problem solving!
Problem: A four start hotel had thick, plush carpet in guest rooms that was WHITE. It doesn’t take much to show a bit of dirt after turnover cleaning of the room. Because of the high appearance standards of this hotel, each room had to be
hot water extracted after each guest check-out. Of course the carpet took a long time to dry, delaying the turnover time for each guest room.
The Solution: Multi-Clean ECO2 and the Minuteman Port-A-Scrub 12. After a quick dry vacuuming, the room was lightly sprayed with a 1:10 solution of ECO2, then scrubbed with the PAS-12 using the soft nylon brushes. The gentle agitation from the machine, along with the ECO2 loosens and then surrounds the dirt and detergent with a special brittle polymer. Within an hour, the carpet is dry and can be vacuumed to remove the encapsulated dirt and detergent residues.
The Results: The natural odor destroying power of the hydrogen peroxide in ECO2 leaves the carpet bright and fresh. The encapsulation technology insures dirt and detergent residues are removed. The Port-A-Scrub literally floats over the plush carpet when cleaning, leaving a freshly groomed appearance. The customer is saving substantial time and money while maintaining the high standards of a 4 star property. The sales person has become a trusted consultant and is now called upon routinely to assist in problem solving.