Phone: 651-481-1900
Picture of a Trash Chute Door

A Guide to Properly Maintaining Trash Chutes: How to Keep Trash Chutes Clean

Trash collection can be a tough job, especially when you live in a bigger area; however, trash chutes help you to make that task easy and hassle-free. Trash chutes are usually found in apartments and high-rise buildings; therefore, apartment chute cleaning is very important. If neglec
Picture of a technician installating an HVAC air filter

How Air Filtration Improves Air Quality Inside the Building

There is particulate matter in the air that we breathe. This is in the form of dander, pollen odors, dust, smoke, and pathogens among other things. There are several air purifying technologies that are in use in various commercial buildings. One of the more recent additions is the pat