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Graph showing floor care cycle

Saving Labor on Floor Care Processes starts with eliminating stripping and burnishing

As labor shortages continue to impact cleaning operations, reducing the time allocated for floor maintenance should be considered.  However, floor appearance is still a driver on public perceptions of facility cleanliness, so careful planning is required. Labor Intensive Processes Bur
Picture of a Trash Chute Door

A Guide to Properly Maintaining Trash Chutes: How to Keep Trash Chutes Clean

Trash collection can be a tough job, especially when you live in a bigger area; however, trash chutes help you to make that task easy and hassle-free. Trash chutes are usually found in apartments and high-rise buildings; therefore, apartment chute cleaning is very important. If neglec
woman wiping a computer keyboard

Enhanced Cleaning & Disinfecting means Cleanliness is now a Business Differentiator

The NEED to CLEAN helps businesses succeed The ongoing pandemic has opened the eyes of the public about the importance of facility cleanliness.  Many businesses are now viewing cleaning & disinfecting or ‘enhanced cleaning’ as a business differentiator and are working

Why You Should (And How to) Keep Your Bathroom Floor Dry

The bathroom is where we spend a lot of time cleansing and getting refreshed.  However, nowadays, people prefer dry floors to avoid the irritable wet feeling while avoiding slips and accidents. Wet floors, besides being messy, are potentially hazardous and adversely affect the hygiene
A person holding a cell phone

How to Clean Your Cell Phone and Tablet Screen Safely

Cleaning screens on electronic devices including cell phone and tablet touch screens requires careful selection of cleaning agents that won’t harm the surfaces while effectively removing dust, dirt, and smudges. One of the Dirtiest Surfaces We Touch Everyday Our cell phones are one of
picture of spray disinfecting using an electrostatic sprayer

Electrostatic Spray Disinfecting to help keep Schools Open & Students Safe

Our education system has been turned upside down by COVID-19.  Now, the SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant is bringing a new heightened awareness of the need to protect students and staff from COVID-19 infections. Schools must have a game plan in place to allow students to safely return to in p

Hand Sanitizer Beneficial Inside the Restroom-Multi-Clean Sani-Foam Non-Alcohol Hand Sanitizer

The use of hand sanitizer, while popular, saw an increase three years ago, when the country experienced the 2009 H1N1 flu scare. Thankfully, the flu was not as deadly or widespread as feared, but the episode did underscore the need for greater public hand hygiene. With a heightened aw

The Fuller Brush Man Goes Bankrupt

In February 2012, the Fuller Brush Company, filed chapter 11 bankruptcy.  Many from the baby boom and generation X remember the Fuller Brush Man, who went door to door selling his wears to keep homes clean.  For those of you unaware, the company also owns Franklin Commercial Cleaning